Offering prayer on the Prophet or reciting Qur’an?

Ques: As supererogatory acts, which one is better? Offering prayer on the Prophet or reciting Qur’an?

Ans: Assalamu Alaikum.

Surely Allah’s words- Al-Qur’an is better to recite than durood. As one gets 10 thawab per letter, at least, in reciting it..

But a muslim should recite durood (prayer on Prophet (SAW)) also, as much as he can, to create a deep relation between him and the Prophet (SAW). And Allah (SWT) has ordered for that too, as brother streetwalker said.

Better, u plan a daily routine and recite the both. Allah will bless u, insha’Allah.

Answered by Yousuf
Sunniforum, 21 Apr ’09