Nabi (SAW) was not prepared to reply to the greeting of a person who was bare headed?

Ques: Salam. I found in a book that Nabi (S.A.W) was not prepared to reply to the greeting of a person who was bare headed (Mishkat).

Can any brother quote the exact hadith and its context. i am sure our respected mufti saab is aware about it.

Ans: Brother, I can’t recall any hadith like that. However, we see some incidents in which Nabi (S.A.W) didn’t reply to salam. These r reported in Mishkat, as well as in other Hadith books. I shall quote four of them from Mishkat..

وعن أبي الجهيم بن الحارث بن الصمة قال : مررت على النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم وهو يبول فسلمت عليه فلم يرد علي حتى قام إلى جدار فحته بعصى كانت معه ثم وضع يديه على الجدار فمسح وجهه وذراعيه ثم رد علي

1. This is the famous incident, in which Sahabi Abu Juhaim (RaD) greeted Nabi (S.A.W) when He just came out of the toilet. So He didn’t reply him until He did tayammum.

عن عبد الله بن مسعود قال : كنا نسلم على النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم وهو في الصلاة قبل أن نأتي أرض الحبشة فيرد علينا فلما رجعنا من أرض الحبشة أتيته فوجدته يصلي فسلمت عليه فلم يرد علي حتى إذا قضى صلاته قال : ” إن الله يحدث من أمره ما يشاء ن وإن مما أحدث أن لا تتكلموا في الصلاة ” . فرد علي السلام

2. This is the story of the early days in Islam. People used to greet each other during salat and it was permissible that time. After that when some Sahaba (Rad) went to Habasha, any type of talk during salat had been forbidden. So when those Sahaba (RAD) returned, and unknowingly greeted Nabi (S.A.W) during salat, he didn’t reply. And after salat, he informed them of the new rule.

وعن عمار بن ياسر قال : قدمت على أهلي من سفر وقد تشققت يداي فخلقوني بزعفران فغدوت على النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فسلمت عليه فلم يرد علي وقال : ” اذهب فاغسل هذا عنك ”

3. This is the story of Sahabi Ammar bin Yaser (RAD), he had Zafran in his hand, and so Nabi (S.W.A) didn’t reply to his salam and rather said: “Go and wash it”.

وعن عبد الله بن عمرو قال : مر رجل وعليه ثوبان أحمران فسلم على النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فلم يرد عليه

4. Here Nabi (S.W.A) didn’t reply to a person wearing read clothes.

I have confirmed with my respected teacher who has been teaching Mishkat, Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi etc. for more than 12 years. He said, he never heard or read any hadith like that. So, may be the author had mis-quoted.

And Allah knows best.

Answered by Yousuf
Sunniforum, 18 Apr ’09