Download Fathul Mulhim with Takmila in PDF format

I have been searching for it online since a long time. Recently I found a link where you will find its Dar Ihya’ al-Turath edition in PDF. I have downloaded all the 12 files and it was excellent. Just wanted to share it with my readers.

Link :

Note : Download ONLY the links named ‘PDF’ from the left side.  There will be 13 files altogether.

Book Description :

موسوعة فتح الملهم  و تكملة فتح الملهم بشرح صحيح الامام مسلم

للشيخ شبير احمد العثمانى و الشيخ محمد تقى عثمانى

مراجعة : محمود شاكر

دار احيار التراث العربى

Courtesy : Mawlana Abul Hasan, London & Mawlana Badrul Islam, England.